So, the other day I was casually browsing through Tumblr and I came across these "magical" hair tutorial for idiots, like me. It went something like this:
Tumblr: Are you ugly?
Me: Yes.
Tumblr: Do you need a new hairstyle?
Me: I don't give a rat's tooth, but whatever; yes.
Tumblr: Then here are some posts tagged "hair tutorials".
Me: (sarcastically) Gee thanks Tumblr! What would I ever do without you!
Then, in my 3:00 AM hysteria I decided: "LET'S FREAKIN DO THIS!!!". And that is the story of how I ended up cutting almost an inch off my hair, while studying for a science test.
Sorry my posts have been so short lately, I have the attention span of a squirrel on crack
-Bribos :D